Soboba Tribal Family Services (STFS)
"Our families made strong through balance and support."
Our mission is to provide supportive services to Tribal members and their families, and to provide or enhance wellbeing and balance in their lives.
Services include:
- Provide referrals to treatment or counseling for substance abuse and mental health issues.
- Provide referrals for individual, couple, and family counseling.
- Provide supportive services to families dealing with mental health issues, substance abuse, and domestic violence.
- Work as a team with the service providers to provide comprehensive services and a strong support network to individuals and families.
- Monthly visits as part of a case management plan and in-home support.
- Offers individual/group parenting and anger management classes.
- Offers in-house individual and family counseling.
- Provide supportive services to guardians and other relative caregivers as needed to assist with the children in their care.
- Provide supportive services and resources to families whose children are in Guardianship.
- Attend educational meetings including, but not limited to, IEP, 504 Plan and expulsion meetings.
- Provide resources regarding custody, visitation and mediation.
- Provide case management, support services & resources for dependency, delinquency, guardianship, mental health, and conservatorship matters.
- Attend Children Family Team Meeting (CFTM) and Wrap Around Meetings.
- Provide resources for paralegals and attorneys.
- STFS is a Voluntary service for Soboba Tribal members and their families.
California Tribal Customary Adoption - For more information on TCA, please visit www.caltca.org.
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) - Click here for information on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)